jeudi 24 mars 2016

Thermostat definition

Définitions Français : Retrouvez la définition de thermostat. Le thermostat désigne un système qui permet de réguler ou de maintenir une température constante. Les différents types de thermostats Le thermostat peut être de deux types : passif, il permet de. Dispositif destiné à maintenir constante la température dans une enceinte en agissant sur le moyen de chauffage lorsque la température tend à varier.

Il est à la fois capteur,.

Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples. Cela peut être un dispositif passif (type bouteille thermos) ou bien un appareil qui sert a. Un thermostat est un système assurant une température constante. Definition of thermostat : Temperature sensing device that turns an appliance or circuit on or off when a particular temperature is reached. In a human, a tiny part of the brain called the hypothalamus, located behind the eyes, serves as the thermostat. It can warm the body by causing it to shiver and cool the body by causing it to perspire.

Que signifie thermostat ? Pour cela, il démarre ou stoppe les moyens de.

Thermostat placé dans le local dont il doit réguler la température. English dictionary definition of thermostat. A device, as in a home heating system, a refrigerator, or an air conditioner, that automatically responds to temperature changes and activates switches. Most devices that emit heat have a thermostat , which controls how hot or cold things get.

Car engines, electric blankets, furnaces, and ovens are all equipped with thermostats so that people can change the temperature, or in the case of cars, so that the car itself can keep the engine at the ideal temperature. Define thermostat (noun) and get synonyms. What is thermostat (noun)?

Pronunciation: primarystress th schwa r-m schwa - secondarystress stat. Glossary Definition for Thermostat. Definition : Circuit that indicates whether a measured temperature is above or below a particular temperature threshold or trip point.

Used for thermal protection and simple temperature control systems. Similar Words: thermoregulator. Hyponyms: cryostat, pyrostat.

Part Meronyms: cooling system, engine cooling system, incubator, brooder. Derivational Morphology: . Il comporte souvent un bouton de réglage, une.

Synonyms for thermostat at Thesaurus. Dictionary and Word of the Day.

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